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confucius reading the book of changes
孔子读易  detail>>
book of changes
易经  detail>>
the book of changes
易经  detail>>
book reading
(读书)--小火,红+惊+闹  detail>>
reading book
读本。   detail>>
reference book reading room
工具书阅览室  detail>>
sample book reading room
样本书阅览室  detail>>
supplementary book supplementary reading
补充读物  detail>>
the book is heavy reading
这本书读起来很沉闷  detail>>
the book is well worth reading
这本书很值得一读  detail>>
 n.  孔子。  detail>>
finish reading a book at one sitting
一口气读完一本书  detail>>
i finished my reading book
我把书读完了  detail>>
you never get tired of reading this book
这部书百读不厌  detail>>
变幻 改变 各期间价值变化  detail>>
changes in
婚姻变化 同性恋的变化  detail>>
s-t changes
s-t改变  detail>>
a confucius family
阙里人家  detail>>